Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Separation Anxiety

Time compresses as academic responsibilities and departure dates creep towards my opening eyes. Opening eyes, an accurate description of days passing here.

I don't think I will get to visit Prague or Krakau, and I probably won't be able to see ALL of Rome like I previously thought. Museums, remarkably, have not been on my urgent to-do list since the trip.

The most important experiences of this trip have been spiritual. You may have seen this coming, but I didn't see the half of it. I was apprehensive about updating the blog because it would have taken a decisive turn for the spiritual--a la GK Chesterton's Orthodoxy, or a hypothetical diary by Inigo Loyola turning into St. Ignatius. Of course, I don't presume in the slightest to be a saint or a "common sense" intellectual. But I _AM_ trying every day to be in the mind of one, or in the mind of One who inspired each.

Today I went inside a small church, one S. Eustachio and participated in a small Mass there with probably 10 attendants including 2 nuns. The experience was intimate and beautiful and afterwards the priest went up to me and asked if I was Italian, which is the nice way of asking if I'm Chinese. I am neither, but that was a cynical statement. He was very genial. I cried during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. I might do this more often as I reflect on its significance.

I am getting into the heat of intellectual debates on Christianity due to my voluntary attendance in a Science and Religion class taught by a priest.

I am planning on doing St. Ignatius's Spiritual Exercises when I return to the States.

All of this, just from an experience in Rome. People here I have been hanging with are mostly cool. Parties are mostly lame. But both are passing, however some teach me true aspects of passion.
And so does the art in the churches, and the art of the Church. Museums are more and more disappointing and Baroque basilicas more and more exciting, contextual, meaningful, and full of grace.

Thus, I dreaded the return to a more...secular life? But I learn more and more to keep these revelations in my heart.

Although I wish I would have completed all my travel wishes. No Cinque Terre or Prague...but hopefully Ravenna will be this weekend.

My best to everyone.


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